const { canModifyQueue, LOCALE } = require("../util/Util"); const i18n = require("i18n"); i18n.setLocale(LOCALE); const pattern = /^[0-9]{1,2}(\s*,\s*[0-9]{1,2})*$/; module.exports = { name: "remove", aliases: ["rm"], description: i18n.__("remove.description"), execute(message, args) { const queue = message.client.queue.get(; if (!queue) return"remove.errorNotQueue")).catch(console.error); if (!canModifyQueue(message.member)) return i18n.__("common.errorNotChannel"); if (!args.length) return message.reply(i18n.__mf("remove.usageReply", { prefix: message.client.prefix })); const arguments = args.join(""); const songs = arguments.split(",").map((arg) => parseInt(arg)); let removed = []; if (pattern.test(arguments)) { queue.songs = queue.songs.filter((item, index) => { if (songs.find((songIndex) => songIndex - 1 === index)) removed.push(item); else return true; }); queue.textChannel.send( `${} ❌ removed **${ => song.title).join("\n")}** from the queue.` ); } else if (!isNaN(args[0]) && args[0] >= 1 && args[0] <= queue.songs.length) { console.log("we got elsed!"); return queue.textChannel.send( `${} ❌ removed **${queue.songs.splice(args[0] - 1, 1)[0].title}** from the queue.` ); } else { console.log("we got the last one"); return message.reply(i18n.__mf("remove.usageReply", { prefix: message.client.prefix })); } } };