/assets/Logo.png Codsworth


You can use Codsworth by c/ or a @mention

Codsworth Commands

Now Playing (c/np)

Queue system (c/queue, c/q)

Loop / Repeat (c/loop)

Shuffle (c/shuffle)

Volume control (c/volume, c/v)

Lyircs (c/lyrics, c/ly)

Pause (c/pause)

Resume (c/resume, c/r)

Skip (c/skip, c/s)

Skip to song # in queue (c/skipto, c/st)

Toggle pruning of bot messages (c/pruning)

Info About Codsworth (c/about, c/ab)

Shows Bots Ping (c/ping)

Shows Bots Uptime (c/uptime)

Move songs around in the queue (c/move, c/mv)

Help (c/help, c/h)