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2022-10-30 14:05:15 -07:00
* Functions relative to short URLs: adding, editing, etc
* (either proper short URLs ("http://sho.rt/abc") or "keywords" (the "abc" part)
* Add a new link in the DB, either with custom keyword, or find one
* The return array will contain at least the following keys:
* status: string, 'success' or 'fail'
* message: string, a descriptive localized message of what happened in any case
* code: string, a short descriptivish and untranslated message describing what happened
* errorCode: string, a HTTP status code
* statusCode: string, a HTTP status code
* Depending on the operation, it will contain any of the following keys:
* url: array, the short URL creation information, with keys: 'keyword', 'url', 'title', 'date', 'ip', 'clicks'
* title: string, the URL title
* shorturl: string, the proper short URL in full (eg 'http://sho.rt/abc')
* html: string, the HTML part used by the ajax to update the page display if any
* For compatibility with early consumers and third parties, when people asked for various data and data formats
* before the internal API was really structured, the return array now collects several redundant information.
* @param string $url URL to shorten
* @param string $keyword optional "keyword"
* @param string $title option title
* @return array array with error/success state and short URL information
function yourls_add_new_link( $url, $keyword = '', $title = '' ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_add_new_link', false, $url, $keyword, $title );
if ( false !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
* The result array.
$return = [
// Always present :
'status' => '',
'code' => '',
'message' => '',
'errorCode' => '',
'statusCode' => '',
// Sanitize URL
$url = yourls_sanitize_url( $url );
if ( !$url || $url == 'http://' || $url == 'https://' ) {
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:nourl';
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'Missing or malformed URL' );
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '400'; // 400 Bad Request
return yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_link_fail_nourl', $return, $url, $keyword, $title );
// Prevent DB flood
$ip = yourls_get_IP();
yourls_check_IP_flood( $ip );
// Prevent internal redirection loops: cannot shorten a shortened URL
if (yourls_is_shorturl($url)) {
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:noloop';
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'URL is a short URL' );
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '400'; // 400 Bad Request
return yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_link_fail_noloop', $return, $url, $keyword, $title );
yourls_do_action( 'pre_add_new_link', $url, $keyword, $title );
// Check if URL was already stored and we don't accept duplicates
if ( !yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() && ($url_exists = yourls_long_url_exists( $url )) ) {
yourls_do_action( 'add_new_link_already_stored', $url, $keyword, $title );
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:url';
$return['url'] = array( 'keyword' => $url_exists->keyword, 'url' => $url, 'title' => $url_exists->title, 'date' => $url_exists->timestamp, 'ip' => $url_exists->ip, 'clicks' => $url_exists->clicks );
$return['message'] = /* //translators: eg "http://someurl/ already exists (short URL: sho.rt/abc)" */ yourls_s('%s already exists in database (short URL: %s)',
yourls_trim_long_string($url), preg_replace('!https?://!', '', yourls_get_yourls_site()) . '/'. $url_exists->keyword );
$return['title'] = $url_exists->title;
$return['shorturl'] = yourls_link($url_exists->keyword);
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '400'; // 400 Bad Request
return yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_link_already_stored_filter', $return, $url, $keyword, $title );
// Sanitize provided title, or fetch one
if( isset( $title ) && !empty( $title ) ) {
$title = yourls_sanitize_title( $title );
} else {
$title = yourls_get_remote_title( $url );
$title = yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_title', $title, $url, $keyword );
// Custom keyword provided : sanitize and make sure it's free
if ($keyword) {
yourls_do_action( 'add_new_link_custom_keyword', $url, $keyword, $title );
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword, true );
$keyword = yourls_apply_filter( 'custom_keyword', $keyword, $url, $title );
if ( !yourls_keyword_is_free( $keyword ) ) {
// This shorturl either reserved or taken already
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:keyword';
$return['message'] = yourls_s( 'Short URL %s already exists in database or is reserved', $keyword );
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '400'; // 400 Bad Request
return yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_link_keyword_exists', $return, $url, $keyword, $title );
// Create random keyword
} else {
yourls_do_action( 'add_new_link_create_keyword', $url, $keyword, $title );
$id = yourls_get_next_decimal();
do {
$keyword = yourls_int2string( $id );
$keyword = yourls_apply_filter( 'random_keyword', $keyword, $url, $title );
} while ( !yourls_keyword_is_free($keyword) );
// We should be all set now. Store the short URL !
$timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
try {
if (yourls_insert_link_in_db( $url, $keyword, $title )){
// everything ok, populate needed vars
$return['url'] = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'date' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $ip );
$return['status'] = 'success';
$return['message'] = /* //translators: eg "http://someurl/ added to DB" */ yourls_s( '%s added to database', yourls_trim_long_string( $url ) );
$return['title'] = $title;
$return['html'] = yourls_table_add_row( $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, 0, time() );
$return['shorturl'] = yourls_link($keyword);
$return['statusCode'] = 200; // 200 OK
} else {
// unknown database error, couldn't store result
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:db';
$return['message'] = yourls_s( 'Error saving url to database' );
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '500'; // 500 Internal Server Error
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Keyword supposed to be free but the INSERT caused an exception: most likely we're facing a
// concurrency problem. See Issue 2538.
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['code'] = 'error:concurrency';
$return['message'] = $e->getMessage();
$return['errorCode'] = $return['statusCode'] = '503'; // 503 Service Unavailable
yourls_do_action( 'post_add_new_link', $url, $keyword, $title, $return );
return yourls_apply_filter( 'add_new_link', $return, $url, $keyword, $title );
* Determine the allowed character set in short URLs
* @return string Acceptable charset for short URLS keywords
function yourls_get_shorturl_charset() {
if ( defined( 'YOURLS_URL_CONVERT' ) && in_array( YOURLS_URL_CONVERT, [ 62, 64 ] ) ) {
$charset = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
else {
// defined to 36, or wrongly defined
$charset = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_shorturl_charset', $charset );
* Is a URL a short URL? Accept either 'http://sho.rt/abc' or 'abc'
* @param string $shorturl short URL
* @return bool true if registered short URL, false otherwise
function yourls_is_shorturl( $shorturl ) {
// TODO: make sure this function evolves with the feature set.
$is_short = false;
// Is $shorturl a URL (http://sho.rt/abc) or a keyword (abc) ?
if( yourls_get_protocol( $shorturl ) ) {
$keyword = yourls_get_relative_url( $shorturl );
} else {
$keyword = $shorturl;
// Check if it's a valid && used keyword
if( $keyword && $keyword == yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword ) && yourls_keyword_is_taken( $keyword ) ) {
$is_short = true;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'is_shorturl', $is_short, $shorturl );
* Check to see if a given keyword is reserved (ie reserved URL or an existing page). Returns bool
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @return bool True if keyword reserved, false if free to be used
function yourls_keyword_is_reserved( $keyword ) {
global $yourls_reserved_URL;
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
$reserved = false;
if ( in_array( $keyword, $yourls_reserved_URL)
or yourls_is_page($keyword)
or is_dir( YOURLS_ABSPATH ."/$keyword" )
$reserved = true;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'keyword_is_reserved', $reserved, $keyword );
* Delete a link in the DB
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @return int Number of links deleted
function yourls_delete_link_by_keyword( $keyword ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_delete_link_by_keyword', null, $keyword );
if ( null !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($keyword);
$delete = yourls_get_db()->fetchAffected("DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `keyword` = :keyword", array('keyword' => $keyword));
yourls_do_action( 'delete_link', $keyword, $delete );
return $delete;
* SQL query to insert a new link in the DB. Returns boolean for success or failure of the inserting
* @param string $url
* @param string $keyword
* @param string $title
* @return bool true if insert succeeded, false if failed
function yourls_insert_link_in_db($url, $keyword, $title = '' ) {
$url = yourls_sanitize_url($url);
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($keyword);
$title = yourls_sanitize_title($title);
$timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$ip = yourls_get_IP();
$binds = array(
'keyword' => $keyword,
'url' => $url,
'title' => $title,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'ip' => $ip,
$insert = yourls_get_db()->fetchAffected("INSERT INTO `$table` (`keyword`, `url`, `title`, `timestamp`, `ip`, `clicks`) VALUES(:keyword, :url, :title, :timestamp, :ip, 0);", $binds);
yourls_do_action( 'insert_link', (bool)$insert, $url, $keyword, $title, $timestamp, $ip );
return (bool)$insert;
* Check if a long URL already exists in the DB. Return NULL (doesn't exist) or an object with URL informations.
* This function supersedes function yourls_url_exists(), deprecated in 1.7.10, with a better naming.
* @since 1.7.10
* @param string $url URL to check if already shortened
* @return mixed NULL if does not already exist in DB, or object with URL information as properties (eg keyword, url, title, ...)
function yourls_long_url_exists( $url ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_url_exists', false, $url );
if ( false !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
$url = yourls_sanitize_url($url);
$url_exists = yourls_get_db()->fetchObject("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `url` = :url", array('url'=>$url));
if ($url_exists === false) {
$url_exists = NULL;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'url_exists', $url_exists, $url );
* Edit a link
* @param string $url
* @param string $keyword
* @param string $newkeyword
* @param string $title
* @return array Result of the edit and link information if successful
function yourls_edit_link($url, $keyword, $newkeyword='', $title='' ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_edit_link', null, $keyword, $url, $keyword, $newkeyword, $title );
if ( null !== $pre )
return $pre;
$ydb = yourls_get_db();
$url = yourls_sanitize_url($url);
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($keyword);
$title = yourls_sanitize_title($title);
$newkeyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($newkeyword, true);
if(!$url OR !$newkeyword) {
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'Long URL or Short URL cannot be blank' );
return yourls_apply_filter( 'edit_link', $return, $url, $keyword, $newkeyword, $title );
$old_url = $ydb->fetchValue("SELECT `url` FROM `$table` WHERE `keyword` = :keyword", array('keyword' => $keyword));
// Check if new URL is not here already
if ( $old_url != $url && !yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() ) {
$new_url_already_there = intval($ydb->fetchValue("SELECT COUNT(keyword) FROM `$table` WHERE `url` = :url;", array('url' => $url)));
} else {
$new_url_already_there = false;
// Check if the new keyword is not here already
if ( $newkeyword != $keyword ) {
$keyword_is_ok = yourls_keyword_is_free( $newkeyword );
} else {
$keyword_is_ok = true;
yourls_do_action( 'pre_edit_link', $url, $keyword, $newkeyword, $new_url_already_there, $keyword_is_ok );
// All clear, update
if ( ( !$new_url_already_there || yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() ) && $keyword_is_ok ) {
$sql = "UPDATE `$table` SET `url` = :url, `keyword` = :newkeyword, `title` = :title WHERE `keyword` = :keyword";
$binds = array('url' => $url, 'newkeyword' => $newkeyword, 'title' => $title, 'keyword' => $keyword);
$update_url = $ydb->fetchAffected($sql, $binds);
if( $update_url ) {
$return['url'] = array( 'keyword' => $newkeyword,
'shorturl' => yourls_link($newkeyword),
'url' => yourls_esc_url($url),
'display_url' => yourls_esc_html(yourls_trim_long_string($url)),
'title' => yourls_esc_attr($title),
'display_title' => yourls_esc_html(yourls_trim_long_string( $title ))
$return['status'] = 'success';
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'Link updated in database' );
} else {
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['message'] = /* //translators: "Error updating http://someurl/ (Shorturl: http://sho.rt/blah)" */ yourls_s( 'Error updating %s (Short URL: %s)', yourls_esc_html(yourls_trim_long_string($url)), $keyword ) ;
// Nope
} else {
$return['status'] = 'fail';
$return['message'] = yourls__( 'URL or keyword already exists in database' );
return yourls_apply_filter( 'edit_link', $return, $url, $keyword, $newkeyword, $title, $new_url_already_there, $keyword_is_ok );
* Update a title link (no checks for duplicates etc..)
* @param string $keyword
* @param string $title
* @return int number of rows updated
function yourls_edit_link_title( $keyword, $title ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_edit_link_title', null, $keyword, $title );
if ( null !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
$title = yourls_sanitize_title( $title );
$update = yourls_get_db()->fetchAffected("UPDATE `$table` SET `title` = :title WHERE `keyword` = :keyword;", array('title' => $title, 'keyword' => $keyword));
return $update;
* Check if keyword id is free (ie not already taken, and not reserved). Return bool.
* @param string $keyword short URL keyword
* @return bool true if keyword is taken (ie there is a short URL for it), false otherwise
function yourls_keyword_is_free( $keyword ) {
$free = true;
if ( yourls_keyword_is_reserved( $keyword ) or yourls_keyword_is_taken( $keyword, false ) ) {
$free = false;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'keyword_is_free', $free, $keyword );
* Check if a keyword matches a "page"
* @see
* @since 1.7.10
* @param string $keyword Short URL $keyword
* @return bool true if is page, false otherwise
function yourls_is_page($keyword) {
return yourls_apply_filter( 'is_page', file_exists( YOURLS_PAGEDIR . "/$keyword.php" ) );
* Check if a keyword is taken (ie there is already a short URL with this id). Return bool.
* Check if a keyword is taken (ie there is already a short URL with this id). Return bool.
* @param string $keyword short URL keyword
* @param bool $use_cache optional, default true: do we want to use what is cached in memory, if any, or force a new SQL query
* @return bool true if keyword is taken (ie there is a short URL for it), false otherwise
function yourls_keyword_is_taken( $keyword, $use_cache = true ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_keyword_is_taken', false, $keyword );
if ( false !== $pre ) {
return $pre;
$taken = false;
// To check if a keyword is already associated with a short URL, we fetch all info matching that keyword. This
// will save a query in case of a redirection in yourls-go.php because info will be cached
if ( yourls_get_keyword_infos($keyword, $use_cache) ) {
$taken = true;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'keyword_is_taken', $taken, $keyword );
* Return array of all information associated with keyword. Returns false if keyword not found. Set optional $use_cache to false to force fetching from DB
* Sincere apologies to native English speakers, we are aware that the plural of 'info' is actually 'info', not 'infos'.
* This function yourls_get_keyword_infos() returns all information, while function yourls_get_keyword_info() (no 's') return only
* one information. Blame YOURLS contributors whose mother tongue is not English :)
* @since 1.4
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param bool $use_cache Default true, set to false to force fetching from DB
* @return false|object false if not found, object with URL properties if found
function yourls_get_keyword_infos( $keyword, $use_cache = true ) {
$ydb = yourls_get_db();
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
yourls_do_action( 'pre_get_keyword', $keyword, $use_cache );
if( $ydb->has_infos($keyword) && $use_cache === true ) {
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_keyword_infos', $ydb->get_infos($keyword), $keyword );
yourls_do_action( 'get_keyword_not_cached', $keyword );
$infos = $ydb->fetchObject("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `keyword` = :keyword", array('keyword' => $keyword));
if( $infos ) {
$infos = (array)$infos;
$ydb->set_infos($keyword, $infos);
} else {
// is NULL if not found
$infos = false;
$ydb->set_infos($keyword, false);
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_keyword_infos', $infos, $keyword );
* Return information associated with a keyword (eg clicks, URL, title...). Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param string $field Field to return (eg 'url', 'title', 'ip', 'clicks', 'timestamp', 'keyword')
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_info($keyword, $field, $notfound = false ) {
// Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
$pre = yourls_apply_filter( 'shunt_get_keyword_info', false, $keyword, $field, $notfound );
if ( false !== $pre )
return $pre;
$keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $keyword );
$infos = yourls_get_keyword_infos( $keyword );
$return = $notfound;
if ( isset( $infos[ $field ] ) && $infos[ $field ] !== false )
$return = $infos[ $field ];
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_keyword_info', $return, $keyword, $field, $notfound );
* Return title associated with keyword. Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_title( $keyword, $notfound = false ) {
return yourls_get_keyword_info( $keyword, 'title', $notfound );
* Return long URL associated with keyword. Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_longurl( $keyword, $notfound = false ) {
return yourls_get_keyword_info( $keyword, 'url', $notfound );
* Return number of clicks on a keyword. Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_clicks( $keyword, $notfound = false ) {
return yourls_get_keyword_info( $keyword, 'clicks', $notfound );
* Return IP that added a keyword. Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_IP( $keyword, $notfound = false ) {
return yourls_get_keyword_info( $keyword, 'ip', $notfound );
* Return timestamp associated with a keyword. Optional $notfound = string default message if nothing found
* @param string $keyword Short URL keyword
* @param false|string $notfound Optional string to return if keyword not found
* @return mixed|string
function yourls_get_keyword_timestamp( $keyword, $notfound = false ) {
return yourls_get_keyword_info( $keyword, 'timestamp', $notfound );
* Return array of stats for a given keyword
* This function supersedes function yourls_get_link_stats(), deprecated in 1.7.10, with a better naming.
* @since 1.7.10
* @param string $shorturl short URL keyword
* @return array stats
function yourls_get_keyword_stats( $shorturl ) {
$table_url = YOURLS_DB_TABLE_URL;
$shorturl = yourls_sanitize_keyword( $shorturl );
$res = yourls_get_db()->fetchObject("SELECT * FROM `$table_url` WHERE `keyword` = :keyword", array('keyword' => $shorturl));
if( !$res ) {
// non existent link
$return = array(
'statusCode' => 404,
'message' => 'Error: short URL not found',
} else {
$return = array(
'statusCode' => 200,
'message' => 'success',
'link' => array(
'shorturl' => yourls_link($res->keyword),
'url' => $res->url,
'title' => $res->title,
'timestamp'=> $res->timestamp,
'ip' => $res->ip,
'clicks' => $res->clicks,
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_link_stats', $return, $shorturl );
* Return array of keywords that redirect to the submitted long URL
* @since 1.7
* @param string $longurl long url
* @param string $order Optional SORT order (can be 'ASC' or 'DESC')
* @return array array of keywords
function yourls_get_longurl_keywords( $longurl, $order = 'ASC' ) {
$longurl = yourls_sanitize_url($longurl);
$sql = "SELECT `keyword` FROM `$table` WHERE `url` = :url";
if (in_array($order, array('ASC','DESC'))) {
$sql .= " ORDER BY `keyword` ".$order;
return yourls_apply_filter( 'get_longurl_keywords', yourls_get_db()->fetchCol($sql, array('url'=>$longurl)), $longurl );