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2022-09-23 23:26:36 -07:00
// CONFIG - These control the look and details on your site. Consult documentation for more details.
// Page title for your site
define('title', '');
// The short title of your site, used in the footer and in some sub pages
define('shortTitle', '');
// A description of your site, shown on the homepage.
define('description', '');
// The favicon for your site
define('favicon', '/images/favicon.ico?v1');
// Logo for your site, displayed on home page
define('logo', '/frontend/assets/img/logo_white.png');
// Enable reCAPTCHA V3
// It is highly recommended you use reCAPTCHA V3. It will stop spam. You can get a site and secret key from here:
define("enableRecaptcha", false);
// reCAPTCHA V3 Site Key
define("recaptchaV3SiteKey", '');
// reCAPTCHA V3 Secret Key
define("recaptchaV3SecretKey", '');
// Enables the custom URL field
// true or false
define('enableCustomURL', true);
// Optional
// Set a primary colour to be used. Default: #007bff
// Here are some other colours you could try:
// #f44336: red, #9c27b0: purple, #00bcd4: teal, #ff5722: orange
define('backgroundImage', '');
// Optional
// Set a background image to be used.
// default: random daily photo of the day
// More possibilities of photo embedding from unsplash could be found at:
// define('backgroundImage', '');
// These are the links in the footer. Add a new link for each new link.
// The array follows a title link structure:
// "TITLE" => "LINK",
$footerLinks = [
"One" => "https://s.rt",
"Two" => "https://s.rt"