0 && $Inputs[1] <= 32) { // Cas CIDR $Cible = ludo_blacklist_ip_CalculIPMask ( $Inputs[0] , ludo_blacklist_ip_MaskType2Mask ( $Inputs[1] ) ) ; } elseif (ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ( $Inputs[0] ) && ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ($Inputs[1]) && ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_Mask ($Inputs[1]) ){ // Case IP/Mask $Cible = ludo_blacklist_ip_CalculIPMask ( $Inputs[0] , $Inputs[1] ) ; } else { // Contains "/" but invalid $Cible="NULL"; } } elseif ( strpos ( $Input , "-" ) !== FALSE ) { // Case input contains "-" $Inputs = array_map ("trim", explode ( "-" , $Input ) ); if ( ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ( $Inputs[0] ) && ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ( $Inputs[1] ) ) { if ( $Inputs[0] < $Inputs[1] ) { // Check IP orders $Cible = $Inputs[0] . "-" . $Inputs[1] ; } else { // If wrong order, reverse it $Cible = $Inputs[1] . "-" . $Inputs[0] ; } } else { // Contains "-" but invalid $Cible="NULL"; } } elseif (ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ( $Input )) { // Case input is a single IP $Inputs = array_map ("trim", explode ( "." , $Input ) ); if ( $Inputs[0] == 0 && $Inputs[1] == 0 && $Inputs[2] == 0 && $Inputs[3] == 0 ) { // Case $Cible = "" ; } elseif ( $Inputs[1] == 0 && $Inputs[2] == 0 && $Inputs[3] == 0 ) { // Case A.0.0.0 $Cible = $Inputs[0] . ".0.0.0-" . $Inputs[0] . ".255.255.255"; } elseif ( $Inputs[2] == 0 && $Inputs[3] == 0 ) { // Case A.B.0.0 $Cible = $Inputs[0] . "." . $Inputs[1] . ".0.0-" . $Inputs[0] . "." . $Inputs[1] . ".255.255"; } elseif ( $Inputs[3] == 0 ) { // Case A.B.C.0 $Cible = $Inputs[0] . "." . $Inputs[1] . "." . $Inputs[2] . ".0-" . $Inputs[0] . "." . $Inputs[1] . "." . $Inputs[2] . ".255"; } else { // Case of a single IP address $Cible = $Input . "-" . $Input ; } } else { // Invalid IP address $Cible="NULL"; } return $Cible; } function ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_IP ( &$IP ) { // Input : String of IP address // Output : TRUE if string is a valid IP address $IPs = array_map("ludo_blacklist_ip_IP_trim", explode ( "." , $IP ) ) ; if (count ($IPs) != 4 ) return false ; foreach ( $IPs as $value ) { if ( $value < 0 || $value > 255 ) { return false ; } } $IP = implode ( ".", $IPs ); return true; } function ludo_blacklist_ip_IP_Trim ( $IP ) { // Input : array of IP address with strings // Output : array of the IP address with integer return (int) ltrim ( trim ( $IP ) , "0" ) ; } function ludo_blacklist_ip_Check_Mask ( $Mask ) { // Input : Mask to be checked, string // Return OK if the Mask string is correct $Masks = array_map("ludo_blacklist_ip_IP_trim", explode ( "." , $Mask ) ) ; if (count ($Masks) != 4 ) return false ; $OctetSignificatif = -1; foreach ( $Masks as $key => $value ) { if ( $value == 255 and $OctetSignificatif == -1 ) { continue; } if ( $value == 255 and $OctetSignificatif != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( $value >0 and $OctetSignificatif == -1 ) { $OctetSignificatif = $key ; continue; } if ( $value >0 and $OctetSignificatif != -1 ) { return false ; } if ( $value == 0 and $OctetSignificatif == -1 and $Masks[$key-1] != 255) { return false ; } if ( $value == 0 and $OctetSignificatif == -1 and $Masks[$key-1] == 255) { $OctetSignificatif = $key; continue ; } if ( $value == 0 and $OctetSignificatif != -1 ) { continue ; } } return (($OctetSignificatif != -1) and in_array ($Masks[$OctetSignificatif],array ("255","254","252","248","240","224","192","128","0"))); } function ludo_blacklist_ip_MaskType2Mask ( $MaskType ) { // Input : Integer value // Output : Mask with $MaskType bit at 1, others at 0, string for ($boucle = 0; $boucle < 4 ; $boucle++ ) { if ( $MaskType > 8 ) $Masks[$boucle] = 255; elseif ($MaskType <= 0 ) $Masks[$boucle] = 0; else $Masks[$boucle] = bindec (str_repeat ( "1" , $MaskType ) . str_repeat ("0" , 8-$MaskType ) ); $MaskType -= 8; } return implode ( "." , $Masks); } function ludo_blacklist_ip_CalculIPMask ( $IP , $Mask ) { // Input : IP address and Mask, strings // Output a string $IPStart."-".$IPEnd for those IP and mask $IPs = explode ( "." , $IP ) ; $Masks = explode ( "." , $Mask ) ; $OctetSignificatif = -1; for ($boucle = 0 ; $boucle < sizeof ( $IPs ) ; $boucle++ ) { $IP_Starts[$boucle] = (0+$IPs[$boucle]) & (0+$Masks[$boucle]) ; if (($Masks[$boucle] < 255) && ( $OctetSignificatif == -1 ) ) { $OctetSignificatif = $boucle; } } for ($boucle = 0 ; $boucle < sizeof ( $IPs ) ; $boucle++ ) { if ($boucle < $OctetSignificatif ) $IP_Ends[$boucle] = 0+$IPs[$boucle] ; elseif ($boucle == $OctetSignificatif ) $IP_Ends[$boucle] = (0+$IPs[$boucle]) | ( 255-$Masks[$boucle] ) ; else $IP_Ends[$boucle] = 255; } return implode ( "." , $IP_Starts)."-".implode ( "." , $IP_Ends); } ?>