
350 lines
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* This file is part of Avatar Privacy.
* Copyright 2018-2023 Peter Putzer.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ***
* @package mundschenk-at/avatar-privacy
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
namespace Avatar_Privacy\Components;
use Avatar_Privacy\Component;
use Avatar_Privacy\Avatar_Handlers\Avatar_Handler; // phpcs:ignore ImportDetection.Imports.RequireImports -- used by annotations
use Avatar_Privacy\Avatar_Handlers\Default_Icons_Handler;
use Avatar_Privacy\Data_Storage\Filesystem_Cache;
use Avatar_Privacy\Data_Storage\Site_Transients;
use Avatar_Privacy\Tools\Images\Image_File;
* Handles the creation and caching of avatar images. Default icons are created by
* Icon_Provider instances, remote Gravatar.com avatars by a Gravatar_Cache_Handler.
* @since 1.0.0
* @since 2.0.0 Renamed to Image_Proxy.
* @author Peter Putzer <github@mundschenk.at>
* @phpstan-type HandlerHooks array<string, Avatar_Handler>
class Image_Proxy implements Component {
const CRON_JOB_LOCK_GRAVATARS = 'cron_job_lock_gravatars';
const CRON_JOB_LOCK_ALL_IMAGES = 'cron_job_lock_all_images';
const CRON_JOB_ACTION = 'avatar_privacy_daily';
* The site transients handler.
* @var Site_Transients
private Site_Transients $site_transients;
* The file system caching handler.
* @var Filesystem_Cache
private Filesystem_Cache $file_cache;
* The available avatar handlers.
* @var Avatar_Handler[]
private array $handlers = [];
* A mapping from filter hook to avatar handler.
* @var array {
* @type Avatar_Handler $hook The handler instance.
* }
* @phpstan-var HandlerHooks
private array $handler_hooks;
* The default icons handler.
* @var Default_Icons_Handler
private Default_Icons_Handler $default_icons;
* Creates a new instance.
* @since 2.4.0 Parameters $gravatar and $user_avatar replaced with the
* generic $handler. Parameter $options removed.
* @param Site_Transients $site_transients The site transients handler.
* @param Filesystem_Cache $file_cache The filesystem cache handler.
* @param Avatar_Handler[] $handlers The avatar handlers indexed
* by their filter hook (including
* the $default_icons handler).
* @param Default_Icons_Handler $default_icons The default icons handler.
* @phpstan-param HandlerHooks $handlers
public function __construct( Site_Transients $site_transients, Filesystem_Cache $file_cache, array $handlers, Default_Icons_Handler $default_icons ) {
$this->site_transients = $site_transients;
$this->file_cache = $file_cache;
// Avatar handlers.
$this->handler_hooks = $handlers;
$this->default_icons = $default_icons;
foreach ( $handlers as $avatar_handler ) {
$type = $avatar_handler->get_type();
// The default handler will be ignored.
if ( ! empty( $type ) ) {
$this->handlers[ $type ] = $avatar_handler;
* Sets up the various hooks for the plugin component.
* @return void
public function run() {
// Add new default avatars.
\add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', [ $this->default_icons, 'avatar_defaults' ] );
// Generate the correct avatar images.
foreach ( $this->handler_hooks as $hook => $handler ) {
\add_filter( $hook, [ $handler, 'get_url' ], 10, 4 ); // @phpstan-ignore-line -- WordPress array syntax not supported (yet).
// Automatically regenerate missing image files.
\add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'add_cache_rewrite_rules' ] );
\add_action( 'parse_request', [ $this, 'load_cached_avatar' ] );
// Clean up cache once per day.
\add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'enable_image_cache_cleanup' ] );
* Add rewrite rules for nice avatar caching.
* @return void
public function add_cache_rewrite_rules() {
* The global WordPress instance.
* @var \WP
global $wp;
$wp->add_query_var( 'avatar-privacy-file' );
$basedir = \str_replace( \ABSPATH, '', $this->file_cache->get_base_dir() );
\add_rewrite_rule( "^{$basedir}(.*)", [ 'avatar-privacy-file' => '$matches[1]' ], 'top' );
* Short-circuits WordPress initialization and load displays the cached avatar image.
* @param \WP $wp The WordPress global object.
* @return void
public function load_cached_avatar( \WP $wp ) {
if ( empty( $wp->query_vars['avatar-privacy-file'] ) || ! \preg_match( '#^([a-z]+)/((?:[0-9a-z]/)*)([a-f0-9]{64})(?:-([0-9]+))?\.(jpg|png|svg)$#i', $wp->query_vars['avatar-privacy-file'], $parts ) ) {
// Abort early.
list(, $type, $subdir, $hash, $size, $extension ) = $parts;
$file = "{$this->file_cache->get_base_dir()}{$type}/" . ( $subdir ?: '' ) . $hash . ( empty( $size ) ? '' : "-{$size}" ) . ".{$extension}";
if ( ! \file_exists( $file ) ) {
// Default size (for SVGs mainly, which ignore it).
$size = (int) $size ?: 100;
if ( isset( $this->handlers[ $type ] ) ) {
$success = $this->handlers[ $type ]->cache_image( $type, $hash, $size, $subdir, $extension );
} else {
$success = $this->default_icons->cache_image( $type, $hash, $size, $subdir, $extension );
if ( ! $success ) {
/* translators: $file path */
\wp_die( \esc_html( \sprintf( \__( 'Error generating avatar file %s.', 'avatar-privacy' ), $file ) ) );
$this->send_image( $file, \DAY_IN_SECONDS, Image_File::CONTENT_TYPE[ $extension ] );
// We're done.
* Sends an image file to the browser.
* @since 2.1.0 Visibility changed to protected.
* @param string $file The full path to the image.
* @param int $cache_time The time the image should be cached by the brwoser (in seconds).
* @param string $content_type The content MIME type.
* @return void
protected function send_image( $file, $cache_time, $content_type ) {
$image = @\file_get_contents( $file ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_file_get_contents, WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_get_contents_file_get_contents, Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
if ( ! empty( $image ) ) {
$length = \strlen( $image );
$last_modified = (int) \filemtime( $file );
// Let's set some HTTP headers.
\header( "Content-Type: {$content_type}" );
\header( "Content-Length: {$length}" );
\header( 'Last-Modified: ' . \gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $last_modified ) );
\header( 'Expires: ' . \gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', \time() + $cache_time ) );
// Here comes the content.
echo $image; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
} else {
/* translators: $file path */
\wp_die( \esc_html( \sprintf( \__( 'Error generating avatar file %s.', 'avatar-privacy' ), $file ) ) );
* Schedules a cron job to clean up the image cache once per day. Otherwise the
* cache would grow unchecked and new avatar images uploaded to Gravatar.com
* would not be picked up.
* @return void
public function enable_image_cache_cleanup() {
// Schedule our cron action.
if ( ! \wp_next_scheduled( self::CRON_JOB_ACTION ) ) {
\wp_schedule_event( \time(), 'daily', self::CRON_JOB_ACTION );
// Add separate jobs for gravatars other images.
\add_action( self::CRON_JOB_ACTION, [ $this, 'trim_gravatar_cache' ] );
\add_action( self::CRON_JOB_ACTION, [ $this, 'trim_image_cache' ] );
* Deletes cached gravatar images that are too old. Uses a site transient to ensure
* that the clean-up happens only once per day on multisite installations.
* @return void
public function trim_gravatar_cache() {
if ( ! $this->site_transients->get( self::CRON_JOB_LOCK_GRAVATARS ) ) {
* Filters how long cached gravatar images are kept.
* @param int $max_age The maximum age of the cached files (in seconds). Default 2 days.
$max_age = \apply_filters( 'avatar_privacy_gravatars_max_age', 2 * \DAY_IN_SECONDS );
* Filters how often the clean-up cron job for old gravatar images should run.
* @param int $interval Time until the cron job should run again (in seconds). Default 1 day.
$interval = \apply_filters( 'avatar_privacy_gravatars_cleanup_interval', \DAY_IN_SECONDS );
$this->invalidate_cached_images( self::CRON_JOB_LOCK_GRAVATARS, 'gravatar', $interval, $max_age );
* Deletes cached image files that are too old. Uses a site transient to ensure
* that the clean-up happens only once per day on multisite installations.
* @return void
public function trim_image_cache() {
if ( ! $this->site_transients->get( self::CRON_JOB_LOCK_ALL_IMAGES ) ) {
* Filters how long cached images are kept.
* Normally, generated default icons and local avatar images don't
* change, so they can be kept longer than gravatars. To keep cache
* size under control, the limit should be set approximately between
* a week and a month, depending on the number of commenters on your
* site.
* @param int $max_age The maximum age of the cached files (in seconds). Default 1 week.
$max_age = \apply_filters( 'avatar_privacy_all_images_max_age', 7 * \DAY_IN_SECONDS );
* Filters how often the clean-up cron job for old images should run.
* @param int $interval Time until the cron job should run again (in seconds). Default 1 week.
$interval = \apply_filters( 'avatar_privacy_all_images_cleanup_interval', 7 * \DAY_IN_SECONDS );
$this->invalidate_cached_images( self::CRON_JOB_LOCK_ALL_IMAGES, '', $interval, $max_age );
* Removes all files older than the maximum age from given subdirectory.
* @since 2.1.0 Visibility changed to protected.
* @param string $lock The site transient key for ensuring that the job is not run more often than necessary.
* @param string $subdir The subdirectory to clean.
* @param int $interval The cron job run interval in seconds.
* @param int $max_age The maximum age of the image files in seconds.
* @return void
protected function invalidate_cached_images( $lock, $subdir, $interval, $max_age ) {
// Invalidate all files in the subdirectory older than the maximum age.
$this->file_cache->invalidate_files_older_than( $max_age, $subdir );
// Don't run the job again until the interval is up.
$this->site_transients->set( $lock, true, $interval );
* Stops executing the current request early.
* @since 2.1.0
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param int $status Optional. A status code in the range 0 to 254. Default 0.
* @return void
protected function exit_request( $status = 0 ) {
exit( $status ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped