**Discontinuation Notice: The Linux List** Sad news... I've decided to pull the plug on The Linux List. Juggling other projects means I can't give it the love it needs anymore. Big thanks to all who've been part of the journey. No more updates or fixes, but the Git repo will stick around for those who need it. Thanks for rolling with it, Sophia Atkinson 💜 _______________________________________________________________________ # The Linux List ## `~Script Installs~` ### Tested scrips ✔️ ### Broken Scripts ❌ ### Untested Scripts ⚠️ ### Retired Scripts 💀 ## Don't like typing "Y"? Just add a "u" after the /sh/ `(/sh/u/RANDOMSCRIPT)` --- ## [Gitea](https://about.gitea.com/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/giteainstall ; bash giteainstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/gitearemove ; bash gitearemove` ### ✔️ Update ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/giteaupdate ; bash giteaupdate` --- ## [Go Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) ### ✔️ Install/Update ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/hugoinstall ; bash hugoinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `rm -rf /usr/local/bin/hugo` --- ## [Go](https://go.dev/) ### ✔️ Install/Update ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/goinstall ; bash goinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `rm -rf /usr/local/go` --- ## [Traefik](https://go.dev/) ### ✔️ Install/Update ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/traefikinstall ; bash traefikinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `rm -rf /usr/local/traefik` --- ## [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/mariadbinstall ; bash mariadbinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `sudo apt remove mariadb-server mariadb-client -y ; apt autoremove -y` --- ## [phpMyAdmin](https://www.phpmyadmin.net/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/pmainstall ; bash pmainstall` ### ⚠️ Uninstall ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/pmauninstall ; bash pmauninstall` ### ✔️ Update ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/pmaupdate ; bash pmaupdate` --- ## [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/) ### ⚠️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/mongodbinstall ; bash mongodbinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `sudo apt remove mongodb-org libssl1.1 -y ; sudo apt autoremove` --- ## [Gogs](https://gogs.io/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/gogsinstall ; bash gogsinstall` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/gogsuninstall ; bash gogsuninstall` --- ## [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) ### ⚠️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/wpinstall ; bash wpinstall` --- ## [Fail2Ban](https://www.fail2ban.org/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget https://sop.wtf/sh/fail2baninstall ; bash fail2baninstall` ---