#!/bin/bash while true do read -r -p "Would you like to install Gitea? [Y/n] " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]) break ;; [nN][oO]|[nN]) break ;; *) echo "That wasn't an option..." ;; esac done ping -c1 "github.com" &>"/dev/null" if [[ "${?}" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "I am unable to access Github.com, that is needed to continue this Install." elif [[ "${#args[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then GITEA_VER="1.18.2" sudo systemctl stop gitea sudo apt-get install git -y sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/gitea https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases/download/v"$GITEA_VER"/gitea-"$GITEA_VER"-linux-amd64 sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitea sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'Git Version Control' --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gitea/{custom,data,log} sudo chown -R git:git /var/lib/gitea sudo chmod -R 750 /var/lib/gitea sudo mkdir -v /etc/gitea sudo chown -R root:git /etc/gitea sudo chmod -R 770 /etc/gitea sudo wget -O /etc/systemd/system/gitea.service https://git.oldgate.org/Sophia/thelinuxlist/raw/branch/main/systemd/gitea.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable --now gitea sudo systemctl start gitea sudo ufw allow 3000 echo -e "==================================================================" publicipaddress=$(curl -sS --connect-timeout 10 -m 60 https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/ || curl -sS --connect-timeout 10 -m 60 https://api.ipify.org ) intenalip=$(ip addr | grep -E -o '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -E -v "^127\.|^255\.|^0\." | head -n 1) echo "Gitea Should be available at http://${intenalip}:3000" echo "Or If you are using a VPS at http://${publicipaddress}:3000" echo -e "==================================================================" fi