# The Linux List ## `~Script Installs~` ### Tested scrips ✔️ ### Broken Scripts ❌ ### Untested Scripts ⚠️ ### Retired Scripts 💀 ## Don't like typing "Y"? Just add a "u" after the /sh/ `(/sh/u/RANDOMSCRIPT)` --- ## [Gitea](https://about.gitea.com/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget -O giteainstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/giteainstall && bash giteainstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `wget -O gitearemove.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/gitearemove && bash gitearemove.sh` ### ✔️ Update ### `wget -O giteaupdate.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/giteaupdate && bash giteaupdate.sh` --- ## [Go Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) ### ✔️ Install/Update ### `wget -O hugoinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/hugoinstall && bash hugoinstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `rm -rf /usr/local/bin/hugo` --- ## [Go](https://go.dev/) ### ✔️ Install/Update ### `wget -O goinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/goinstall && bash goinstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `rm -rf /usr/local/go` --- ## [MariaDB](https://mariadb.org/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget -O mariadbinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/mariadbinstall && bash mariadbinstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `sudo apt remove mariadb-server mariadb-client -y && apt autoremove -y` --- ## [phpMyAdmin](https://www.phpmyadmin.net/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget -O pmainstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/pmainstall && bash pmainstall.sh` ### ⚠️ Uninstall ### `wget -O pmauninstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/pmauninstall && bash pmauninstall.sh` ### ✔️ Update ### `wget -O pmaupdate.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/pmaupdate && bash pmaupdate.sh` --- ## [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/) ### ⚠️ Install ### `wget -O mongodbinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/mongodbinstall && bash mongodbinstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `sudo apt remove mongodb-org libssl1.1 -y && sudo apt autoremove` --- ## [Gitlab](https://about.gitlab.com/) (Retired, Now falls back to offical script) ### 💀 Install ### `wget -O gitlabinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/gitlabinstall && bash gitlabinstall.sh` ### 💀 Uninstall ### `wget -O gitlabuninstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/gitlabuninstall && bash gitlabuninstall.sh` --- ## [Gogs](https://gogs.io/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget -O gogsinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/gogsinstall && bash gogsinstall.sh` ### ✔️ Uninstall ### `wget -O gogsuninstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/gogsuninstall && bash gogsuninstall.sh` --- ## [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) ### ⚠️ Install ### `wget -O wpinstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/wpinstall && bash wpinstall.sh` --- ## [Fail2Ban](https://www.fail2ban.org/) ### ✔️ Install ### `wget -O fail2baninstall.sh https://sop.wtf/sh/fail2baninstall && bash fail2baninstall.sh` ---