Upload files to 'js'

This commit is contained in:
Sophia Atkinson 2022-09-24 06:28:26 +00:00
parent e9d431635d
commit a1ff8c5171
10 changed files with 963 additions and 0 deletions

js/clipboard.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/common.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// Handle .hide-if-no-js and .hide-if-js styles
// Change an element text an revert in a smooth pulse. el is an element id like '#copybox h2'
function html_pulse( el, newtext ){
var oldtext = $(el).html();
// Fast pulse to "Copied" and revert
.html( newtext )
.css('opacity', 1)
"slow", 1, // this fades from 1 to 1: just a 'sleep(1)' actually
$(el).fadeTo("normal", 0.01, function(){$(el).html( oldtext ).css('opacity', 1)});
// Update feedback message
function feedback(msg, type, delay) {
closeme = ( type == 'fail' || type == 'error' ) ? true : false;
delay = delay || ( closeme == true ? 10000 : 3500 );
html: '<span>'+msg+'</span>',
delay: delay,
animationSpeed: "normal",
close: closeme,
cls: type
return true;
// Unused for now
function logout() {
type: "POST",
url: ajaxurl,
data: {action:'logout'},
success: function() {
window.parent.location.href = window.parent.location.href;
// Begin the spinning animation & disable a button
function add_loading(el) {
$(el).attr("disabled", "disabled").addClass('disabled').addClass('loading');
// End spinning animation
function end_loading(el) {
// Un-disable an element
function end_disable(el) {
// Trim long string
function trim_long_string( string, length) {
var newstring = string;
length = length || 60;
if ( newstring.length > length ) {
newstring = newstring.substr(0, (length - 5) ) + '[...]';
return newstring;
// Get the var=xxx from a query string
function get_var_from_query( url, varname, default_val ) {
if( varname == undefined ) {
varname = 'nonce';
if( default_val == undefined ) {
default_val = '';
// Split the url on '?' and get only the params (which is element 1)
url = url.split('?')[1];
// Now split those params on '&' so we can get each one individually (Ex. param_var=param_value)
url = url.split('&');
// Now we have to find the varname in that array using methods that IE likes (Curse you IE!!!)
var i=0;
for( i=0; i<url.length; i++ ){
// So split the first param elemment on '=' and check the param_var to see if it matches varname (element 0)
if( url[i].split('=')[0] == varname ){
// If it matches we want to return the param_value
return url[i].split('=')[1];
// If we didn't find anything then we just return the default_val
return default_val;
* Jquery Cookie plugin
* Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Available at http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.cookie.js.txt
jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) {
if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie
options = options || {};
if (value === null) {
value = '';
options.expires = -1;
var expires = '';
if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) {
var date;
if (typeof options.expires == 'number') {
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
} else {
date = options.expires;
expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
// CAUTION: Needed to parenthesize options.path and options.domain
// in the following expressions, otherwise they evaluate to undefined
// in the packed version for some reason...
var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : '';
var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : '';
var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : '';
document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join('');
} else { // only name given, get cookie
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
// Split a URL into protocol, slashes and the rest
function get_protocol_slashes_and_rest( url ) {
if( ups=url.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\.-]+:(\/\/)?/ ) ) {
var ur=url.split(new RegExp(ups))[1];
var ups=ups.split(/\:/);
return { protocol: ups[0]+':', slashes: ups[1], rest: ur };
} else {
return { protocol: '', slashes: '', rest: url };;

js/infos.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
$('ul.toggle_display').css('display', 'block');
$('.tab h2').css('display','none');
// Toggle tabs
$('ul.toggle_display li a').click(function(){
var target = $(this).attr('href').replace('#', ''); // 'stat_tab_location'
var divs = target.split('_')[1]; // 'tab'
$('div.'+divs).css('display', 'none');
$('div#'+target).css('display', 'block');
$('ul.stat_'+divs+' li a').removeClass('selected');
$('ul.stat_'+divs+' li a[href="#'+target+'"]').addClass('selected').css('outline', 'none').blur();
return false;
// Activate main tab
if (location.hash) {
$('#tabs ul#headers li a[href="'+location.hash+'"]').click();
} else {
$('#tabs ul#headers li a:first').click();
// Activate first line graph
$('#stats_lines li a:first').click();
// Prettify list
$('#historical_clicks li:odd').css('background', '#E3F3FF');
// Toggle detail lists
var target = $(this).attr('id').replace('more_', 'details_');
return false;
// If an image src is erroneous (404 or anything) replace it with a transparent gif
$('.fix_images').each(function(i,img) {
$(img).on("error", function(){
$(img).attr('src', 'images/blank.gif');
// If we have the zeroclipboard thing, init it when Share Tab is displayed
$('#tabs ul#headers li a[href="#stat_tab_share"]').click(function(){

js/insert.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// Init some stuff
$('#add-url, #add-keyword').keypress(function(e){
if (e.which == 13) {add_link();}
$('#new_url_form').attr('action', 'javascript:add_link();');
// this one actually has little impact, the .hasClass('disabled') in each edit_link_display(), remove() etc... fires faster
$(document).on( 'click', 'a.button', function() {
if( $(this).hasClass('disabled') ) {
return false;
// When Searching, explode search text in pieces -- see split_search_text_before_search()
$('#filter_form').submit( function(){
return true;
// Create new link and add to table
function add_link() {
if( $('#add-button').hasClass('disabled') ) {
return false;
var newurl = $("#add-url").val();
var nonce = $("#nonce-add").val();
if ( !newurl || newurl == 'http://' || newurl == 'https://' ) {
var keyword = $("#add-keyword").val();
{action:'add', url: newurl, keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce},
if(data.status == 'success') {
$('#main_table tbody').prepend( data.html ).trigger("update");
$('#nourl_found').css('display', 'none');
toggle_share_fill_boxes( data.url.url, data.shorturl, data.url.title );
feedback(data.message, data.status);
function toggle_share_fill_boxes( url, shorturl, title ) {
$('#copylink').val( shorturl );
$('#titlelink').val( title );
$('#origlink').attr( 'href', url ).html( url );
$('#statlink').attr( 'href', shorturl+'+' ).html( shorturl+'+' );
var tweet = ( title ? title + ' ' + shorturl : shorturl );
$('#tweet_body').val( tweet ).keypress();
$('#shareboxes').slideDown( '300', function(){ init_clipboard(); } ); // clipboard re-initialized after slidedown to make sure the invisible Flash element is correctly positionned
// Display the edition interface
function edit_link_display(id) {
if( $('#edit-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
return false;
add_loading('#actions-'+id+' .button');
var keyword = $('#keyword_'+id).val();
var nonce = get_var_from_query( $('#edit-button-'+id).attr('href'), 'nonce' );
{ action: "edit_display", keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce, id: id },
$("#id-" + id).after( data.html );
$("#edit-url-"+ id).focus();
end_loading('#actions-'+id+' .button');
// Delete a link
function remove_link(id) {
if( $('#delete-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
return false;
if (!confirm('Really delete?')) {
var keyword = $('#keyword_'+id).val();
var nonce = get_var_from_query( $('#delete-button-'+id).attr('href'), 'nonce' );
{ action: "delete", keyword: keyword, nonce: nonce, id: id },
if (data.success == 1) {
$("#id-" + id).fadeOut(function(){
if( $('#main_table tbody tr').length == 1 ) {
$('#nourl_found').css('display', '');
decrease_total_clicks( id );
} else {
alert('something wrong happened while deleting :/');
// Redirect to stat page
function go_stats(link) {
// Cancel edition of a link
function edit_link_hide(id) {
$("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){
$("#edit-" + id).remove();
end_disable('#actions-'+id+' .button');
// Save edition of a link
function edit_link_save(id) {
add_loading("#edit-close-" + id);
var newurl = $("#edit-url-" + id).val();
var newkeyword = $("#edit-keyword-" + id).val();
var title = $("#edit-title-" + id).val();
var keyword = $('#old_keyword_'+id).val();
var nonce = $('#nonce_'+id).val();
var www = $('#yourls-site').val();
{action:'edit_save', url: newurl, id: id, keyword: keyword, newkeyword: newkeyword, title: title, nonce: nonce },
if(data.status == 'success') {
if( data.url.title != '' ) {
var display_link = '<a href="' + data.url.url + '" title="' + data.url.title + '">' + data.url.display_title + '</a><br/><small><a href="' + data.url.url + '">' + data.url.display_url + '</a></small>';
} else {
var display_link = '<a href="' + data.url.url + '" title="' + data.url.url + '">' + data.url.display_url + '</a>';
$("#url-" + id).html(display_link);
$("#keyword-" + id).html('<a href="' + data.url.shorturl + '" title="' + data.url.shorturl + '">' + data.url.keyword + '</a>');
$("#edit-" + id).fadeOut(200, function(){
$("#edit-" + id).remove();
$('#main_table tbody').trigger("update");
$('#keyword_'+id).val( newkeyword );
$('#statlink-'+id).attr( 'href', data.url.shorturl+'+' );
feedback(data.message, data.status);
end_loading("#edit-close-" + id);
end_disable("#edit-close-" + id);
if(data.status == 'success') {
end_disable("#actions-" + id + ' .button');
// Prettify table with odd & even rows
function zebra_table() {
$("#main_table tbody tr:even").removeClass('odd').addClass('even');
$("#main_table tbody tr:odd").removeClass('even').addClass('odd');
$('#main_table tbody').trigger("update");
// Ready to add another URL
function add_link_reset() {
// Increment URL counters
function increment_counter() {
$(this).html( parseInt($(this).html()) + 1);
// Decrement URL counters
function decrement_counter() {
$(this).html( parseInt($(this).html()) - 1 );
// Decrease number of total clicks
function decrease_total_clicks( id ) {
var total_clicks = $("#overall_tracking strong:nth-child(2)");
total_clicks.html( parseInt( total_clicks.html() ) - parseInt( $('#clicks-' + id).html() ) );
// Toggle Share box
function toggle_share(id) {
if( $('#share-button-'+id).hasClass('disabled') ) {
return false;
var link = $('#url-'+id+' a:first');
var longurl = link.attr('href');
var title = link.attr('title');
var shorturl = $('#keyword-'+id+' a:first').attr('href');
toggle_share_fill_boxes( longurl, shorturl, title );
// When "Search" is clicked, split search text to beat servers which don't like query string with "http://"
// See https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/issues/1576
function split_search_text_before_search() {
// Add 2 hidden fields and populate them with parts of search text
$("<input type='hidden' name='search_protocol' />").appendTo('#filter_form');
$("<input type='hidden' name='search_slashes' />").appendTo('#filter_form');
var search = get_protocol_slashes_and_rest( $('#filter_form input[name=search]').val() );
$('#filter_form input[name=search]').val( search.rest );
$('#filter_form input[name=search_protocol]').val( search.protocol );
$('#filter_form input[name=search_slashes]').val( search.slashes );

js/jquery-3.5.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/jquery-3.tablesorter.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

js/jquery.cal.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
the script only works on "input [type=text]"
// don't declare anything out here in the global namespace
(function($) { // create private scope (inside you can use $ instead of jQuery)
// functions and vars declared here are effectively 'singletons'. there will be only a single
// instance of them. so this is a good place to declare any immutable items or stateless
// functions. for example:
var today = new Date(); // used in defaults
var months = 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December'.split(',');
var months = l10n_cal_month;
var monthlengths = '31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31'.split(',');
var dateRegEx = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}|\d{4}$/;
var yearRegEx = /^\d{4,4}$/;
// next, declare the plugin function
$.fn.simpleDatepicker = function(options) {
// functions and vars declared here are created each time your plugn function is invoked
// you could probably refactor your 'build', 'load_month', etc, functions to be passed
// the DOM element from below
var opts = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.simpleDatepicker.defaults, options);
// replaces a date string with a date object in opts.startdate and opts.enddate, if one exists
// populates two new properties with a ready-to-use year: opts.startyear and opts.endyear
/** extracts and setup a valid year range from the opts object **/
function setupYearRange () {
var startyear, endyear;
if (opts.startdate.constructor == Date) {
startyear = opts.startdate.getFullYear();
} else if (opts.startdate) {
if (yearRegEx.test(opts.startdate)) {
startyear = opts.startdate;
} else if (dateRegEx.test(opts.startdate)) {
opts.startdate = new Date(opts.startdate);
startyear = opts.startdate.getFullYear();
} else {
startyear = today.getFullYear();
} else {
startyear = today.getFullYear();
opts.startyear = startyear;
if (opts.enddate.constructor == Date) {
endyear = opts.enddate.getFullYear();
} else if (opts.enddate) {
if (yearRegEx.test(opts.enddate)) {
endyear = opts.enddate;
} else if (dateRegEx.test(opts.enddate)) {
opts.enddate = new Date(opts.enddate);
endyear = opts.enddate.getFullYear();
} else {
endyear = today.getFullYear();
} else {
endyear = today.getFullYear();
opts.endyear = endyear;
/** HTML factory for the actual datepicker table element **/
// has to read the year range so it can setup the correct years in our HTML <select>
function newDatepickerHTML () {
var years = [];
// process year range into an array
for (var i = 0; i <= opts.endyear - opts.startyear; i ++) years[i] = opts.startyear + i;
// build the table structure
var table = jQuery('<table class="datepicker" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>');
// month select field
var monthselect = '<select name="month">';
for (var i in l10n_cal_month) monthselect += '<option value="'+i+'">'+l10n_cal_month[i]+'</option>';
monthselect += '</select>';
// year select field
var yearselect = '<select name="year">';
for (var i in years) yearselect += '<option>'+years[i]+'</option>';
yearselect += '</select>';
jQuery("thead",table).append('<tr class="controls"><th colspan="7"><span class="prevMonth">&laquo;</span>&nbsp;'+monthselect+yearselect+'&nbsp;<span class="nextMonth">&raquo;</span></th></tr>');
jQuery("thead",table).append('<tr class="days"><th>'+l10n_cal_days[0]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[1]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[2]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[3]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[4]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[5]+'</th><th>'+l10n_cal_days[6]+'</th></tr>');
jQuery("tfoot",table).append('<tr><td colspan="2"><span class="today">'+l10n_cal_today+'</span></td><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td><td colspan="2"><span class="close">'+l10n_cal_close+'</span></td></tr>');
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) jQuery("tbody",table).append('<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>');
return table;
/** get the real position of the input (well, anything really) **/
function findPosition (obj) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return [curleft,curtop];
} else {
return false;
/** load the initial date and handle all date-navigation **/
// initial calendar load (e is null)
// prevMonth & nextMonth buttons
// onchange for the select fields
function loadMonth (e, el, datepicker, chosendate) {
// reference our years for the nextMonth and prevMonth buttons
var mo = jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex;
var yr = jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex;
var yrs = jQuery("select[name=year] option", datepicker).get().length;
// first try to process buttons that may change the month we're on
if (e && jQuery(e.target).hasClass('prevMonth')) {
if (0 == mo && yr) {
yr -= 1; mo = 11;
jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = 11;
jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = yr;
} else {
mo -= 1;
jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = mo;
} else if (e && jQuery(e.target).hasClass('nextMonth')) {
if (11 == mo && yr + 1 < yrs) {
yr += 1; mo = 0;
jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = 0;
jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = yr;
} else {
mo += 1;
jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = mo;
// maybe hide buttons
if (0 == mo && !yr) jQuery("span.prevMonth", datepicker).hide();
else jQuery("span.prevMonth", datepicker).show();
if (yr + 1 == yrs && 11 == mo) jQuery("span.nextMonth", datepicker).hide();
else jQuery("span.nextMonth", datepicker).show();
// clear the old cells
var cells = jQuery("tbody td", datepicker).unbind().empty().removeClass('date');
// figure out what month and year to load
var m = jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).val();
var y = jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).val();
var d = new Date(y, m, 1);
var startindex = d.getDay();
var numdays = monthlengths[m];
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_year
if (1 == m && ((y%4 == 0 && y%100 != 0) || y%400 == 0)) numdays = 29;
// test for end dates (instead of just a year range)
if (opts.startdate.constructor == Date) {
var startMonth = opts.startdate.getMonth();
var startDate = opts.startdate.getDate();
if (opts.enddate.constructor == Date) {
var endMonth = opts.enddate.getMonth();
var endDate = opts.enddate.getDate();
// walk through the index and populate each cell, binding events too
for (var i = 0; i < numdays; i++) {
var cell = jQuery(cells.get(i+startindex)).removeClass('chosen');
// test that the date falls within a range, if we have a range
if (
(yr || ((!startDate && !startMonth) || ((i+1 >= startDate && mo == startMonth) || mo > startMonth))) &&
(yr + 1 < yrs || ((!endDate && !endMonth) || ((i+1 <= endDate && mo == endMonth) || mo < endMonth)))) {
function () { jQuery(this).addClass('over'); },
function () { jQuery(this).removeClass('over'); })
.click(function () {
var chosenDateObj = new Date(jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).val(), jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).val(), jQuery(this).text());
closeIt(el, datepicker, chosenDateObj);
// highlight the previous chosen date
if (i+1 == chosendate.getDate() && m == chosendate.getMonth() && y == chosendate.getFullYear()) cell.addClass('chosen');
/** closes the datepicker **/
// sets the currently matched input element's value to the date, if one is available
// remove the table element from the DOM
// indicate that there is no datepicker for the currently matched input element
function closeIt (el, datepicker, dateObj) {
if (dateObj && dateObj.constructor == Date)
datepicker = null;
jQuery.data(el.get(0), "simpleDatepicker", { hasDatepicker : false });
// iterate the matched nodeset
return this.each(function() {
// functions and vars declared here are created for each matched element. so if
// your functions need to manage or access per-node state you can defined them
// here and use $this to get at the DOM element
if ( jQuery(this).is('input') && 'text' == jQuery(this).attr('type')) {
var datepicker;
jQuery.data(jQuery(this).get(0), "simpleDatepicker", { hasDatepicker : false });
// open a datepicker on the click event
jQuery(this).click(function (ev) {
var $this = jQuery(ev.target);
if (false == jQuery.data($this.get(0), "simpleDatepicker").hasDatepicker) {
// store data telling us there is already a datepicker
jQuery.data($this.get(0), "simpleDatepicker", { hasDatepicker : true });
// validate the form's initial content for a date
var initialDate = $this.val();
if (initialDate && dateRegEx.test(initialDate)) {
var chosendate = new Date(initialDate);
} else if (opts.chosendate.constructor == Date) {
var chosendate = opts.chosendate;
} else if (opts.chosendate) {
var chosendate = new Date(opts.chosendate);
} else {
var chosendate = today;
// insert the datepicker in the DOM
datepicker = newDatepickerHTML();
// position the datepicker
var elPos = findPosition($this.get(0));
var x = (parseInt(opts.x) ? parseInt(opts.x) : 0) + elPos[0];
var y = (parseInt(opts.y) ? parseInt(opts.y) : 0) + elPos[1];
jQuery(datepicker).css({ position: 'absolute', left: x, top: y });
// bind events to the table controls
jQuery("span", datepicker).css("cursor","pointer");
jQuery("select", datepicker).bind('change', function () { loadMonth (null, $this, datepicker, chosendate); });
jQuery("span.prevMonth", datepicker).click(function (e) { loadMonth (e, $this, datepicker, chosendate); });
jQuery("span.nextMonth", datepicker).click(function (e) { loadMonth (e, $this, datepicker, chosendate); });
jQuery("span.today", datepicker).click(function () { closeIt($this, datepicker, new Date()); });
jQuery("span.close", datepicker).click(function () { closeIt($this, datepicker); });
// set the initial values for the month and year select fields
// and load the first month
jQuery("select[name=month]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = chosendate.getMonth();
jQuery("select[name=year]", datepicker).get(0).selectedIndex = Math.max(0, chosendate.getFullYear() - opts.startyear);
loadMonth(null, $this, datepicker, chosendate);
// finally, I like to expose default plugin options as public so they can be manipulated. one
// way to do this is to add a property to the already-public plugin fn
jQuery.fn.simpleDatepicker.formatOutput = function (dateObj) {
return (dateObj.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dateObj.getDate() + "/" + dateObj.getFullYear();
jQuery.fn.simpleDatepicker.defaults = {
// date string matching /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}|\d{4}$/
chosendate : today,
// date string matching /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}|\d{4}$/
// or four digit year
startdate : today.getFullYear(),
enddate : today.getFullYear() + 1,
// offset from the top left corner of the input element
x : 1, // must be in px
y : 18 // must be in px
// Init the form
$('#date_first').simpleDatepicker({startdate: 2005, enddate: 2100});
$('#date_second').simpleDatepicker({startdate: 2005, enddate: 2100});
var show = $(this).val() == 'between' ? 'inline' : 'none';
$('#date_second').css('display', show);
$('#date_and').css('display', show);

js/jquery.notifybar.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* Notify Bar - jQuery plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Dmitri Smirnov
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Version: 1.2.2
* Project home:
* http://www.dmitri.me/blog/notify-bar
* param Object
jQuery.notifyBar = function(settings) {
(function($) {
var bar = notifyBarNS = {};
notifyBarNS.shown = false;
if( !settings) {
settings = {};
// HTML inside bar
notifyBarNS.html = settings.html || "Your message here";
//How long bar will be delayed, doesn't count animation time.
notifyBarNS.delay = settings.delay || 2000;
//How long notifyBarNS bar will be slided up and down
notifyBarNS.animationSpeed = settings.animationSpeed || 200;
//Use own jquery object usually DIV, or use default
notifyBarNS.jqObject = settings.jqObject;
//Set up own class
notifyBarNS.cls = settings.cls || "";
//close button
notifyBarNS.close = settings.close || false;
if( notifyBarNS.jqObject) {
bar = notifyBarNS.jqObject;
notifyBarNS.html = bar.html();
} else {
bar = jQuery("<div></div>")
.attr("id", "__notifyBar");
var id = bar.attr("id");
switch (notifyBarNS.animationSpeed) {
case "slow":
asTime = 600;
case "normal":
asTime = 400;
case "fast":
asTime = 200;
asTime = notifyBarNS.animationSpeed;
if( bar != 'object'); {
// Style close button in CSS file
if( notifyBarNS.close) {
bar.append(jQuery("<a href='#' class='notify-bar-close'>Close [X]</a>"));
jQuery(".notify-bar-close").click(function() {
if( bar.attr("id") == "__notifyBar") {
jQuery("#" + id).slideUp(asTime, function() { jQuery("#" + id).remove() });
} else {
jQuery("#" + id).slideUp(asTime);
return false;
// If taken from DOM dot not remove just hide
if( bar.attr("id") == "__notifyBar") {
setTimeout("jQuery('#" + id + "').slideUp(" + asTime +", function() {jQuery('#" + id + "').remove()});", notifyBarNS.delay + asTime);
} else {
setTimeout("jQuery('#" + id + "').slideUp(" + asTime +", function() {jQuery('#" + id + "')});", notifyBarNS.delay + asTime);
})(jQuery) };

js/share.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
setTimeout( function(){update_share()}, 50 ); // we're delaying, otherwise keypress() always triggers too fast before current key press actually inserts a letter?!! Go figure.
function update_share() {
var text = encodeURIComponent( $('#tweet_body').val() );
var url = encodeURIComponent( $('#copylink').val() );
var tw = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text='+text;
var fb = 'https://www.facebook.com/share.php?u='+url ;
$('#share_tw').attr('href', tw);
$('#share_fb').attr('href', fb);
var charcount = parseInt(280 - $('#tweet_body').val().length);
.toggleClass("negative", charcount < 0)
.text( charcount );
function share(dest) {
var url = $('#share_'+dest).attr('href');
switch (dest) {
case 'fb':
//var url = $('#share_fb').attr('href');
window.open( url, 'fb','toolbar=no,width=1000,height=550');
case 'tw':
//var url = $('#share_tw').attr('href');
window.open(url, 'tw','toolbar=no,width=800,height=550');
return false;
function init_clipboard() {
var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('#copylink', {
text: function (trigger) {
return $(trigger).val();
clipboard.on('success', function () {
html_pulse('#copybox h2, #copybox h3', 'Copied!');

js/tablesorte.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Tablesorter comes from own file now.
var yourls_defaultsort = 2; // default column to sort on (overwrite this inline in page)
var yourls_defaultorder = 1; // default order ('asc':0, 'desc':1) to sort on (overwrite this inline in page)
// Initialise the table to sort
if ($("#main_table").tablesorter && $("#main_table tr#nourl_found").css('display') == 'none') {
var order = {'keyword':0, 'url':1, 'timestamp':2, 'ip':3, 'clicks':4};
var order_by = {'asc':0, 'desc':1};
var sort_by = order[query_string('sort_by')];
var sort_order = order_by[query_string('sort_order')];
if( sort_by == undefined ) {
sort_by = yourls_defaultsort;
sort_order = yourls_defaultorder;
textExtraction: {
1: function(node, table, cellIndex){return $(node).find("small a").text();} // Sort column "URL" by URL, not by whole cell content
sortList:[[ sort_by, sort_order ]],
headers: { 5: {sorter: false} }, // no sorter on column "Actions"
widgets: ['zebra'], // prettify, see tr.normal-row and tr.alt-row in tablesorter.css
widgetOptions : { zebra : [ "normal-row", "alt-row" ] }
// Get query string
function query_string( key ) {
key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)");
var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if(qs == null)
return yourls_defaultsort;
return qs[1];