2021-07-08 00:35:29 -07:00

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What is Firewatch?

Firewatch is a single-player first-person mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.

They color coded the fire danger signs in case people were illiterate but I guess that doesn't take into account just plain stupid, does it? Stay safe this summer.

Forest Byrnes


Table of contents


Shoshone Wildlife Notes

Shoshone Book Club


Game Transcription (Click For Staff Notes)

Audio Tour Transcription

Misc Info

Firewatch Playthrough No Commentary (Still Processing)

Firewatch Intro Image

Firewatch Photo

Firewatch Photo

Firewatch Photo

Firewatch Photo is a community website and is not affiliated with Firewatch or Campo Santo.

Firewatch and the Firewatch logos are trademarks of Campo Santo. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.